The fossils of a creature almost identical to the Australian lungfish were found in Northern Ireland and were conventionally dated at 100 million years. With the Australian lungfish being limited to the waters of Queensland, Australia, how did remains of this creature get in Northern Ireland? Simple. Before the global Flood, the Australian lungfish may not have been limited to its present region. Also, the effects of the Flood could have moved this creature to the area of present-day Northern Ireland and buried it for people to find later. These fossil finds are an amazing testimony to God’s hand in creating the lungfish kind and to His hand in covering the entire earth in a global Flood.
CLASS: Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes and terrestrial vertebrates)
ORDER: Lepidosireniformes (lungfishes)
FAMILY: Ceratodontidae (lungfishes)
GENUS/SPECIES: Neoceratodus forsteri
Size: Up to 4.5 ft (1.4 m); commonly 3 ft (1 m)
Diet: Frogs, fish, shrimp, earthworms, plants, and fallen fruit
Habitat: In the deep pools of slow-flowing waters of Queensland, Australia
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