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Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Created on Day 5

on May 19, 2011

Because of the desert environment where the ostrich lives, it has the ability to store enough water to go for months without drinking.



Because of the desert environment where the ostrich lives, it has the ability to store enough water to go for months without drinking. An ostrich will eat rocks to help with digestion. How would the ostrich know that this would help it without the designed instinct given by its Creator?


  • Males are black with white wing and tail feathers, while the females have a brown plumage with wings and tail a dirty white.
  • The ostrich is the largest living bird in the world.

Fun Facts

  • Ostrich eggshells are so hard that a grown man can stand on one without breaking it.
  • An ostrich can run up to 40 mph (64 km/h) to escape its predators or give them a swift kick which could kill them.
  • Ostrich fossils have been found in Europe and Asia.

Created Kind Members

Masai ostrich, Arabian ostrich

CLASS: Aves (birds)
ORDER: Struthioniformes (ratites)
FAMILY: Struthionidae (ostriches)
GENUS/SPECIES: Struthio camelus

Size: Close to 9 ft (2.8 m)
Weight: Up to 345 lbs (157 kg)
Original Diet: Plants
Present Diet: Vegetation and sometimes lizards
Habitat: African plains, over much of the continent

Zoo Guide

Make your next visit to the zoo more than just fun—make it factual and fascinating too! You could even start a personal “creation zoo tours” ministry. Featuring more than 100 animals, our long-awaited Zoo Guide includes beautiful pictures and explores the amazing facts and design features that point to our awesome Creator. Excellent gift for any one who loves animals!

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