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Letter—New Testament

on December 9, 2016
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Author: Paul

Date Written: AD 57

Chapters: 13

Key People: Paul, Church at Corinth, false teachers

Summary: False apostles and teachers were determined to preach a new and untrue gospel to the church at Corinth. This false doctrine was clearly NOT the truth that Paul had taught them about the crucified and risen Savior, Jesus Christ. In order to get the church in Corinth to believe their lies, the false teachers were attacking Paul, his life, and his teaching. When Paul heard this, he knew he must defend himself, which he did through this letter. He recounted for the church his many experiences and the terrible suffering he had gladly endured for the sake of Jesus Christ and the one true gospel.

About Jesus: There is only one gospel. And believers in Christ should examine themselves and their teachers to be sure they are in the faith.

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