Answers are important. If children aren’t given answers to their questions about the Bible and the history it reveals, they cannot defend their faith against a fallen world. The Answers Book for Kids series is a unique collection from Ken Ham and the creative team at Answers in Genesis that meets this need.
Were people different before the flood than they are today?
How did Noah get two of every sea creature on the ark?
Did Noah have to estimate how much food to gather or did God tell him?
How did Noah keep the animals on the ark from eating each other and his family.
Why did God allow some creatures to go extinct?
What happened to the ark once Noah, his family, and the animals got off?
After the flood, were there any buildings left?
Where did all the water go after the flood?
Why aren't there fossils of humans from Noah's flood?
How could Noah’s children fill the earth?
Why doesn't the Bible tell us about the ice age?
Why don't we all have the same color of skin?