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The Great Indoors

by Mark Wainwright on January 1, 2022
Audio Version

Hello Explorer!

We’re on the hunt—and we need your help. But hold on—this isn't a typical safari! We aren’t going to the African grasslands to look for elephants or lions. We won’t be searching the swamps for snakes and crocodiles. Instead, we’ll be hunting for examples of God’s amazing creation somewhere much more unexpected.

When you visit a park or go camping, it’s easy to recognize all the examples of God’s beautiful creation. You might see towering trees, sparkling stars, and chattering chipmunks. But is God’s creation limited to the great outdoors? The Bible says in Colossians 1:16 (NKJV), “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth.” God’s creation is all around you, even in a place you might not expect to find it—right inside your house.

So when it’s raining, snowing, or feels hotter than an oven outside your front door, how can you find examples of God’s creation in the house?

You’re about to find out!

  1. The Watering Hole
  2. Human Habitat

Adventure Log

After exploring the great indoors, it’s clear that God’s creation surrounds us, even in the food, clothing, and toys inside our homes.

The creative design of these things shows us that there is a Creator. Romans 1:20 (NKJV) says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” This means that creation points to God as the source of everything.

Even though many of the things around us seem man-made, the materials were made by God. James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.” What a wonderful gift God gave us when he created our beautiful world!

As you enjoy God’s creation, whether outside or inside, don’t forget to take the time to thank him for all that he has made, including his most precious creation—you!

Your Turn

Now it’s time for you to go on the prowl.

  • Find two items in your bedroom that display God’s creation. What are those items made of?
  • Find a packaged food, like a loaf of bread or a box of crackers, in your kitchen and read the ingredient list on the label. Ask an adult to help you look up any ingredients you don't know.

Kids Answers Magazine

The Great Indoors

Explore God’s amazing creation right inside your house!

Browse Kids Issue