The Watering Hole

by Mark Wainwright on January 1, 2022

The first stop on our indoor safari is one of the most popular rooms in everyone’s house—the kitchen. Why is it so popular? Delicious food, of course!

Maybe you like snacking on chips, gobbling cheesy pizza, and devouring yummy desserts. But have you ever stopped to think about where these delicious foods come from? If you’re thinking the grocery store, you’re right. But keep in mind that the grocery store gets these foods from a factory or bakery.

Take chocolate chip cookies, for example. These mouthwatering treats don’t just show up on the shelves of your local grocery store. They come from a bakery where the baker “makes” them. But even then, there’s more to the story! When we say the baker “makes” the cookies, we don’t mean he creates them out of nothing in the same way that God made the world. The baker simply combines ingredients from God’s creation to make a tasty treat. Flour, sugar, eggs, and salt—God created these ingredients for our use . . . and cookie-eating enjoyment.

Find It

Can you find all 12 hidden objects?

Find the Hidden Objects! Baking Soda Syrup Salt Pectin Chocolate Bar Fork Cereal Box

Art by Chuck Dillon

Find the Hidden Objects!

Answers included in pdf download.

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