Missing Words Memory Verse: Luke 2:10–11

on December 19, 2017

Some of the verbs (action words) are missing in the memory verse. Use the Word Bank to figure out what’s missing, and write the correct words in the blanks.

Word Bank

  • Born
  • Bring
  • Fear
  • Is
  • Said
  • Will
And the angel     to them, “   not, for behold, I     you good news of great joy that     be for all the people. For unto you is     this day in the city of David a Savior, who     Christ the Lord.” Luke 1:30–31
Missing Words Memory Verse: Luke 2:10–11 Download PDF

ABC 2017 Christmas Lessons (Excerpt)

This Christmas season, learn how God promised to send a Savior, how God prepared for Jesus’ birth, and how Jesus’ coming brings joy.

Browse Kids Book