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Mosaic Cross

Day Four Craft: Junior, Primary, and Pre-Primary

on August 1, 2019

Mosaic Cross (V.1 Junior and Primary)

Mosaic Cross


  • Compact discs, 1 per child
  • Black card stock, 1 sheet for every 2 children
  • Medium shade blue card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 12 children
  • Lighter shade blue card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 12 children
  • Medium shade green card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 19 children
  • Lighter shade green card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 19 children
  • White card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 25 children
  • Verse Pattern (download below)
  • White copy paper, 1 sheet for every 130 children
  • Optional: Mod Podge®

Tools and Basic Supplies

  • Office paper cutter
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue sticks
  • 1-in. foam brushes (for Mod Podge®)
  • Zippered baggies


  1. Use a paper cutter to cut black card stock into 5 x 5-in. squares, one per child.
  2. Use a pencil to trace a compact disc onto each 5 x 5-in. black square.
  3. Use a paper cutter to cut all the blue and green card stock into -in. squares.
  4. Photocopy the Verse Pattern onto white copy paper. Then use a paper cutter to cut out the verses.
  5. Use a paper cutter to cut the remaining white card stock into -in. squares.
  6. Place a compact disc (CD), a 5 x 5-in. black square, a memory verse square, 12 medium blue squares, 12 lighter blue squares, 8 medium green squares, 8 lighter green squares, and 6 white squares into a zippered baggie for each child.

Teaching Tie-In

Show the sample craft and say:

In Europe, where we are today on The Incredible Race, there are many old cathedrals that have stained glass mosaic windows. They often have scenes or people from the Bible pictured on them.

Of everything and everyone written about in the Bible, who do you think is the most important? Take answers. Jesus and his life, death, burial, and resurrection are the most important aspect of the entire Bible. In fact, Jesus and his work is echoed throughout the whole Bible because it’s by his death and resurrection that we can be forgiven and saved if we believe.

Let’s read our verse together as a reminder of this. Do so. Can you say there has been a time when you came to personally understand this verse? Take responses.

Class Time Directions

  1. Place your black square in front of you, blank side up (no circle). Then apply glue stick to the bottom third of the square.
  2. Now begin placing colored squares close together (but not touching) in a line along the bottom. For the most part, keep the blues together and the greens together as you build your mosaic. It is supposed to represent the world, so there will be more blue (water) than green (land) when you’re finished. You may want to have a green area in the middle surrounded by blue, or green areas in opposite corners with blue in between. It’s up to you.
  3. When you’ve finished a couple rows, add more glue stick to the black area, and keep going.
  4. When you’ve filled up the black square, it’s time to add a cross. Start by glue sticking a white square to the center of the third row from the top. Then glue stick the memory verse onto the white square.
  5. Now glue stick one white square above, one on each side, and two below the memory verse square.
  6. Flip your mosaic over and use scissors to cut out the marked circle.
  7. Finally, add plenty of glue stick to the compact disc (CD), then press the mosaic circle onto the CD.
  8. (Optional) Use a foam brush to seal your mosaic with Mod Podge®.

Tip Corner

  • Instead of making individual kits with the exact amount of needed squares in them, you may want to just place a bunch of each color in the middle of the table.
  • To display your mosaic, add adhesive magnets or an adhesive picture hanger to the back.
  • Find pictures online of old cathedral mosaic windows to show during the Teaching Tie-in.

Super Simple Idea

Try one of the following Oriental Trading Company craft kits. (Call 1-800-875-8480 or visit Note that these are available at the time of printing and may not be available later.

  • Tissue Paper Cross Stained Glass Window Craft Kit (Item Number: 48/9220)—Manufacturer does not recommend for children under 3 years of age.
  • “John 3:16” Globe Craft Kit (Item Number: 48/1437)—Manufacturer does not recommend for children under 3 years of age.

Mosaic Cross (V.2 Pre-Primary)

Mosaic Cross


  • Compact discs, 1 per child
  • Black card stock, 1 sheet for every 2 children
  • Medium shade blue card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 11 children
  • Lighter shade blue card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 11 children
  • Medium shade green card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 14 children
  • Lighter shade green card stock, approx. 1 sheet for every 14 children
  • Cross Pattern (download below)
  • White card stock, 1 sheet for every 4 children
  • Optional: Mod Podge®

Tools and Basic Supplies

  • Office paper cutter
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue sticks
  • 1-in. foam brushes (for Mod Podge®)
  • Zippered baggies


  1. Use a paper cutter to cut black card stock into 5 x 5-in. squares, one per child.
  2. Use a pencil to trace a compact disc in the center of each black square.
  3. Use a paper cutter to cut all the blue and green card stock into 1-in. squares.
  4. Photocopy the Cross Pattern onto white card stock. Then cut out a cross for each child.
  5. Place a compact disc (CD), a 5 x 5-in. black square, a cross, along with 8 medium blue squares, 8 lighter blue squares, 6 medium green squares, and 6 lighter green squares into a zippered baggie for each child.

Teaching Tie-In

Show the sample craft and say:

What shape is on our craft today? Take responses. Yes, it’s a cross. What does the cross mean to us? Take responses. Yes, Jesus died on the cross and rose again to take the punishment for our sins. That’s good news! And we have a background that looks kind of like the land and the water of the world to remind us that he came for every nation and tribe and people! The Father (God) has sent his Son (Jesus) to be the Savior of the world for all those who believe!

Let’s make our cross to remind us of that great news.

Class Time Directions

  1. Place your black square in front of you, blank side up (no circle). Then apply glue stick to the bottom half of the square.
  2. Begin placing colored squares side-by-side (ideally NOT touching) in a line along the bottom. For the most part, keep the blues together and the greens together as you build your mosaic. It is supposed to represent the world so there will be more blue (water) than green (land) when you’re finished. You may want to have a green area in the middle surrounded by blue, or green areas in opposite corners with blue in between. It’s up to you.
  3. When you’ve finished a couple rows, add more glue stick to the black area, and keep going.
  4. Now flip your mosaic over and use scissors to cut out the marked circle.
  5. Glue stick the back of the white cross, then center it on the mosaic and press into place.
  6. Finally, add plenty of glue stick to the compact disc (CD), then press the mosaic circle onto the CD.
  7. Optional: Adults can use a foam brush to seal each child’s mosaic with Mod Podge®. Allow time to dry.

Tip Corner

  • Instead of making individual kits with the exact amount of needed squares in them, you may want to just place a bunch of each color in the middle of the table.
  • To display your mosaic, add adhesive magnets or an adhesive picture hanger to the back.

Super Simple Idea

Try one of the following Oriental Trading Company craft kits. (Call 1-800-875-8480 or visit Note that these are available at the time of printing and may not be available later.

  • Tissue Paper Cross Stained Glass Window Craft Kit (Item Number: 48/9220)—Manufacturer does not recommend for children under 3 years of age.
  • “John 3:16” Globe Craft Kit (Item Number: 48/1437)—Manufacturer does not recommend for children under 3 years of age.
Mosaic Cross Download PDF
Mosaic Cross Patterns Download PDF

Incredible Race World Class Science & Crafts (Excerpt)

Kids love science experiments and crafts! This guide contains everything you need to coordinate the daily science experiments and crafts for all age groups.

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