Missing Towels & Purple Popsicles

Lesson 192

“Mom! Where are my floaties?” Jessie hollered.

“Look in the garage!” Jessie’s mom replied as she fastened the baby’s new summer outfit. “There you go, Mikey. You look so handsome in your new suit.”

“Ma, ma, ma,” babbled Mikey, chewing on the collar of his new shirt. Just then Mom’s phone rang.

“Hello?” she said. Mom listened then said, “Of course I can help. I’ll see you soon.” She hurried down to the kitchen, carrying Mikey.

“Oh, there you are,” said Jessie’s dad. “Are you ready for the pool?”

“I’m afraid I can’t go.” Mom explained the phone call and how a friend from church needed her help. “I guess you’re on your own today.” She handed the baby to her husband and gave them both a kiss.

“But, I don’t know what we’ll need,” said Dad.

“Well, Jessie’s already got her swimsuit on, and she’s searching for her floaties,” explained Mom as she collected her purse and keys.

“Okay, but what about Mikey?” Dad asked nervously.

“Jessie can help you get his bag ready. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” Mom said. “Have fun.” She waved and went out the door.

Dad sighed. “Jessie?” he asked. “Do we have to go swimming today?”

Jessie walked in with her floaties on her arms. “Of course!” she replied excitedly. “It’s Olivia’s birthday party at the pool. And I’m ready.”

“Well, I need you to pack Mikey’s bag while I get ready.”

“Okay.” Jessie hurried to her brother’s room, snatched the diaper bag from the closet, and began throwing things inside: a teddy bear, a pacifier, a blanket, and some lotion. She ran to the kitchen for a bottle but only found one that was half full. “I guess that’ll be enough,” she said, tossing it into the bag.

“Is Mikey’s bag ready?” Dad asked.

“Yep!” Jessie replied. “We’re all ready to go.”

When they got to the community center pool, Jessie found Olivia. “Happy birthday!” she squealed. The girls jumped into the pool, laughing and splashing along with the other kids at the party.

Meanwhile, Jessie’s dad settled into a chair nearby, holding Mikey on his lap. The baby stared wide-eyed at all the kids. “Oh! I almost forgot your sunscreen,” said Dad, opening the diaper bag. He found the lotion and slathered it all over Mikey’s arms and legs. When he tried to spread it on Mikey’s face, the baby would not be still. “Ah! Come on, Kiddo,” Dad pleaded as Mikey turned his face back and forth.

Suddenly, Mikey let out a holler. “Whaaaaa!” he cried, wiping at the lotion in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry,” said Dad, searching for something to wipe Mikey’s eyes with. He found nothing in the bag except for a fuzzy blanket. “This’ll have to do,” he muttered, swiping it at Mikey’s face.

The baby howled and cried until Dad grabbed the half-filled bottle and popped it into Mikey’s mouth. “Whew! That’s a relief,” Dad said as he leaned back in his chair for a moment of peace. It didn’t take long for Mikey to finish the bottle, so Dad gave him the pacifier to suck on. But Mikey soon spit it out and began chewing on his fist and whimpering.

“Uh-oh, are your new teeth bothering you?” Dad asked. Once again, he rummaged in the bag, this time looking for a teething ring. But it was nowhere to be found. “Hmm. What could Mikey chew on that would be cool and soothing?” he wondered. “I’ve got it!” Dad picked Mikey up and headed to the snack bar. “I’ll take one of those grape popsicles, please,” he told the cashier.

Mikey eagerly chewed and slurped the frozen treat. Dad breathed a sigh of relief— until he saw the purple stains dribbling down the front of Mikey’s new summer shirt. “Oh no!” he exclaimed. “Better take that off.” After much twisting and turning, Dad managed to peel the soggy shirt off. Mikey chomped on the last bite of popsicle. When he saw that there was nothing left but a stick, he began to cry.

“Oh dear. We weren’t quite ready for this trip today.” Dad sighed and turned to the pool and called for Jessie.

When Jessie climbed out of the pool, a cool breeze blew against her wet skin, giving her a chill. “Where’s my towel?” she wondered.

Then she remembered that she didn’t bring a towel! Jessie ran to her dad. “Do you have a towel?” she asked, shivering.

“Nope,” Dad replied. “You said you got everything ready.”

“Well, I thought I did—except for my towel.”

“I guess you’ll have to air dry,” said Dad.

Jessie jumped up and down, trying to shake the water off her arms and legs. “I don’t think this is working,” she said through chattering teeth.

“Here, use Mikey’s blanket,” Dad suggested as Mikey began to howl again. “I think we better go. I can’t find an extra shirt or even a diaper to change Mikey.”

“I’m sorry,” apologized Jessie as she used the fuzzy blanket to dry herself as best she could.

Jessie told Olivia goodbye and went home with Dad and her unhappy baby brother.

Later, when Jessie’s mom got home, she asked, “How did it go at the pool?”

“I had fun but forgot my towel,” Jessie replied with a shiver.

“Mikey and I didn’t have too much fun,” admitted Dad.

“Mom,” said Jessie, “can you make a list of everything that goes in the diaper bag?”

“Sure,” Mom replied. “How come?”

Dad and Jessie looked at each other then said together, “So we’ll be ready next time!”

A Fun Part of Answers Bible Curriculum

Justin & Jessie show younger kids how the Bible applies to real life! These weekly stories are a supplement to the Answers Bible Curriculum take-home sheets. For more information about our full-Bible, chronological Sunday school program for all ages, and to download sample lessons, see Answers Bible Curriculum