Answers Bible Curriculum brings the Bible to life and addresses the real-life issues that confront Christians today. Parents and students alike will get a thorough understanding of the teachings and relevance of Scripture. All ages are equipped to defend their faith, becoming conformed to the image of Christ, as they learn to apply God’s Word in their everyday lives.
Whole Bible in 4 years, chronological
Learn more ›English Standard Version
Flexible 36-week schedule
Teacher lesson: 25–45 minutes
Videos and memory verse songs
Puzzles, worksheets, and activity pages that reinforce the lesson objectives and incorporate various age-appropriate learning skills (like writing, counting, grouping, research, and analysis)
We can trust all of God’s Word beginning in Genesis! While showing that Scripture is absolutely true, Answers Bible Curriculum emphasizes the importance of carefully and accurately interpreting the Bible.
We must be ready to give an answer for what we believe. Answers Bible Curriculum equips students with facts from culture, history, and science to defend the Bible against common skeptical questions.
The Bible presents true history, not made-up “stories.” Chronological teaching through the whole Bible gives your students a powerful, worldview-shaping overview of God’s Word.
God’s attributes are displayed throughout the Bible! As students discover the character of God, they are encouraged to grow more conformed to the image of Christ.
God’s plan of redemption is woven throughout Scripture. From Genesis to Revelation, Answers Bible Curriculum traces the “scarlet thread” of the gospel to reveal this unified theme in the Bible.
We are to live in light of what the Bible teaches. Answers Bible Curriculum brings the Bible’s teaching to bear on everyday life with easy, practical applications.
Designed with families in mind, Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool provides one teacher lesson to be used with students of all ages. Age-appropriate student activity books engage students to continue interacting with the content throughout the week.
Each lesson includes an easy-to-use teacher lesson and full-color activity pages for students. Download a sample lesson to explore the unique features for each student level.
Get Sample LessonsExplore the key components of Answers Bible Curriculum.
Our 36-lesson Teacher Guide makes it easy to teach with fascinating background material, detailed teaching tips, and optional object lessons.
Age-appropriate student activity books include puzzles, worksheets, and activity pages that reinforce lesson objectives, emphasize personal application, and incorporate various learning skills.
Each student workbook is accompanied by a Tests and Answers book that provides six quizzes and two tests to be used throughout the year, as well as the answers to the activities in the student book.
The curriculum also uses three timelines, an Attributes of God poster, and a Books of the Bible poster, each included with the coinciding teacher guide.
Order Answers Bible Curriculum today with our no-hassle, 30-day money-back guarantee or download sample lessons.
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