FAQ for ABC Homeschool

Below you will find written answers to many of the common questions we get about ABC Homeschool.

How to Adapt ABC Homeschool for Middle School


My kids go to public school, but I want to make sure they have a biblical foundation. Can ABC Homeschool work for me?


Absolutely! You can incorporate Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool in your after-school routine or dedicate Saturday morning to diving into the lessons. You can use the teacher lessons to guide a family Bible study.

Choose memory verses to learn as a family. Discuss the application questions to train your students to apply biblical principles in various scenarios they encounter at school.

Whether you want to lead your students in a Bible course, study the Bible together as a family, or incorporate a biblical perspective into your everyday routine, ABC Homeschool will equip you with in-depth Bible teaching, apologetic connections, and engaging activities.


What is ABC Homeschool?


ABC Homeschool is a 4-year chronological Bible homeschool curriculum for grades K–5. Answers Bible Curriculum emphasizes the authority of God’s Word, the historical reality of biblical accounts, and the application of God’s Word to everyday life.


What makes ABC Homeschool unique?


ABC Homeschool doesn’t teach a collection of Bible stories. Rather, this curriculum teaches students that the Bible is the history book of the universe. Each account is treated as a real event that truly happened, just as the Bible describes.

By looking at the chronological history described in the Bible, students will be equipped to stand on the foundation of God’s Word, defend their faith, and discuss how each account connects to the larger narrative and God’s redemptive plan.

You won’t find Answers Bible Curriculum’s emphasis on apologetics, chronology, and metanarrative anywhere else.


Why should I use ABC Homeschool?


It is our responsibility as Christians to raise the next generation to stand firmly on the foundation of God’s Word in every aspect of life.

As our culture and secular educational systems become increasingly anti-Christian, it is imperative that we prepare our children to face those challenges confident that the Word of God is true, accounts for the things we see in the world around us, and is relevant to our everyday lives.

Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool equips you as a parent to help your student develop a truly biblical worldview.


What makes ABC Homeschool different from Answers Bible Curriculum for Churches?


ABC Homeschool shares many of the core concepts that make Answers Bible Curriculum a powerful church curriculum, but every component has been optimized for a homeschool environment.

As with Answers Bible Curriculum for Churches, the Homeschool edition focuses on the trustworthiness of Scripture, apologetics, chronology, the attributes of God, God’s redemptive plan of salvation, and life application.

But where Answers Bible Curriculum for Churches is tailored to a once-a-week class or group study, ABC Homeschool is designed for individual or family instruction with more opportunities to reinforce key ideas throughout the week.

ABC Homeschool has been intentionally designed with the needs of homeschoolers in mind.

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