“Always Be Prepared”: Equipping the Church with Answers

by Bryan Osborne on September 19, 2018

Have you ever been asked (or maybe asked yourself) any of the following questions?

Most Christians have been asked at least one, if not several, of these questions at one time or another. Perhaps it was while witnessing, while reading the Bible, with their children or grandchildren, or maybe it was while teaching an inquisitive Sunday school class. If you were asked any of these questions today, what would you say?

Scripture commands us to have answers for the questions of our day:

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).

And there are answers for these questions, and many more. Christianity isn’t a blind faith where we just have to believe without any answers. It’s a reasonable faith that explains what we see in the world. There are answers for those who want them!

Our passion at Answers in Genesis is equipping believers with those answers (this is known as apologetics) so they can be bold in their own faith and, in turn, share the gospel with others, answering their skeptical questions. We want you to “always be prepared” no matter who asks you to defend what you believe.

There are answers for those who want them!

One way to equip yourself and fellow believers in your church—including children starting in pre-school—is with our Sunday school curriculum, Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC). This four-year curriculum takes you through the entire Bible chronologically. And it’s packed with apologetics. You’ll be equipped to think biblically and defend biblical teachings including creation, the flood, the tower of Babel, the resurrection of Christ, and much more.

ABC is currently used by over 10,000 churches and many are sharing that it is revolutionizing their churches! People are hungry for answers and having those answers emboldens them to share the gospel with others. Try a month of lessons in your church for free and experience the difference.

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