All for a skull, evolution leads to tooth decay, civing in a zinc world, and more!
The history of human evolution is clear: we all came from Africa the Middle East Europe.
Recently discovered fossils from Tbilisi, Georgia, may rewrite the prevailing evolutionary ideas about human origins.
Tooth loss and molecular decay purportedly prove Charles Darwin right. Does that mean brushing twice a day keeps evolution away?
It’s a zinc world after all?
When the Miller-Urey experiment was performed in 1953, the two scientists generated amino acids in an environment they believed was much like the early earth (a “reducing” atmosphere of methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and water vapor). However, the problem is that the conditions they used are no longer considered to be accurate for when life supposedly arose on earth.
The scene is reminiscent of a movie: intrepid explorers pierce the wilderness and stumble upon a trove of amazing species rarely—if ever—seen before.
As far back as 2001, creationists pointed to liposuctioned fat as a source of stem cells that didn’t require the destruction of embryonic human life. Good to see secular scientists catching on.
Remember, if you see a news story that might merit some attention, let us know about it! (Note: if the story originates from the Associated Press, Fox News, MSNBC, New York Times or another major national media outlet, we will most likely have already heard about it.) And thanks to all of our readers who have submitted great news tips to us. If you didn’t catch last week’s News to Note, why not take a look at it now? See you next week!
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