Patrick Marsh, the creative genius behind the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, leaves behind a godly legacy.
Patrick Marsh, the creative genius behind the exhibits at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, is now rejoicing with his Creator and Savior. He passed into the presence of the Lord in December 2021.
Illustration by Viktor Miller-Gausa
Ken Ham,
Answers in Genesis
I believe Patrick greatly helped change the standard of quality for Christian facilities, taking it to heights not previously represented in much of the Christian world. He also left a legacy in a younger generation of designers at Answers in Genesis who yearn to ensure such a standard is never dropped—and even take it to higher levels.
I’ve been interviewed many times by the secular media about the exhibits at the Ark and Creation Museum, and I’ve often been asked, “How did you find such talented people to build these exhibits that are such high quality?” My standard answer is something like this: “Well, just as Noah didn’t have to go out and find all the animals to put on the ark because God brought them to him, so God brought these talented people to us.”
Patrick Marsh, the Vice President of Attractions Design for Answers in Genesis, was largely responsible for designing the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.
I remember when we first received a communication from Patrick in 2001. He told us about his work at Universal Studios and other theme parks around the world, and he asked if he could come and use his God-given talents by designing the Creation Museum exhibits. God knew we had no idea how we were going to design the exhibits, so he brought Patrick to us. And because of people who knew Patrick and knew he only wanted first-class, professional design for exhibits and buildings, others came to work alongside Patrick and learn from him. This amazing story illustrates the miraculous hand of God in bringing a team together to build the world’s two leading Christian themed attractions that have already attracted millions of visitors.
There’s so much we could say about this journey with Patrick, but I wanted to share one interesting part.
When the three founders of the AiG ministry (me, Mark Looy, and Mike Zovath) moved to Kentucky, we did so for the purpose of starting a biblical creation apologetics ministry and specifically to build a creation museum.
When Mike Zovath and I were working with architects, we didn’t know how we were going to design the exhibits, so we told them to design the biggest building we were allowed to have at a specific place on the property we had acquired. On Patrick’s first visit, when we showed him the building under construction, he had a problem. He explained that we should design our exhibits first and then design a building for these exhibits to communicate the message we wanted.
We told Patrick that it was too late to do that, so we had to use the building we had designed. I then wrote a script for the Seven C’s of history (creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, cross, and consummation) that we wanted to communicate to the world. Patrick took this script and used his genius to design a walk through the Bible using the box-shape building that was being constructed. He came up with the idea of a ramp that wound around and down from the top of this two-story building to the bottom, and he showed us how he was using a lot of the space twice. It was ingenious! The Creation Museum opened in 2007, and since then, with Patrick’s vision, we’ve enhanced exhibits and added many new exhibits. Visitors are astonished at the quality of this Christian facility.
In 2005, after much prayer with our board, we felt that the Lord was leading us to build the life-size Ark. I remember talking to Patrick about all the exhibits his team would be designing for the three decks of the Ark Encounter. I said something like, “Patrick, I remember you complained about the fact we had designed the building for the Creation Museum before we had designed the exhibits that would be in this museum. But do you realize God was preparing you for the Ark? You see, God had already designed the Ark, and we have the dimensions he gave Noah including that there would be three decks. So now you will have to fit the exhibits inside the Ark that God has designed. You can’t complain about this.” Of course, we all chuckled.
The Creation Museum and Ark Encounter are unique in the world. Among the millions of visitors, Christians have been equipped, non-Christians have been challenged, and many have received the gift of salvation as God has used these attractions to proclaim his Word and the gospel. What a legacy Patrick left behind! And what a legacy he left in the next generation of designers who want to use their talents for the Lord to proclaim the most vital message in the whole universe—the saving gospel!
Whatever Patrick did, he did for the Lord! The Scripture I consider when thinking of Patrick is a verse that I often heard from my father:
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)
There’s no doubt the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter would not be what they are today if Patrick had not come along at just the right time. His coming to us at that time in history was not by chance. No, it was God’s providence to make sure these attractions would become what they are today. Thank you, Lord, for bringing just the right person at just the right time!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.