New Study Shows How Outlook Affects Our Perception of Time

Culture News

on January 31, 2024

According to a study from the University of California, time really does drag on or fly by based on your emotions. Participants in the study were shown a series of pictures that would stimulate negative or neutral emotions. They were asked to rate their perception of the passage of time between the images. Results showed that study participants with a more negative outlook generally judged time passing more slowly.

Dwelling on negative thoughts and events is often linked to anxiety and depression. When we focus our hearts and minds on whatever is true and lovely (Philippians 4:8), like the joy and hope we have in Christ, we can live fully in each moment, trusting God and not worrying about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). Though our human emotions are unreliable and changeable, our God never changes. Now that’s something to rejoice about (Philippians 4:4)!

This article is from Answers magazine, January–March, 2024, p. 30.