Dwarves Underground? Of Course!

Seshadri.K.S., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


by Inspector Barry Mins on September 13, 2022

Hey kids, welcome back to our series on the mysteries of created kinds.

This week, we move from the Brazilian countryside to southeast Asia. And no fish this week. Instead, we are looking for an elusive kind of snakes.

Two by Tuesday

Very little is known about this kind. Few specimens are found, and most are observed singly or are found dead. They are diurnal and are usually found in tropical forests at higher elevations.1 Beyond that, little is known. They are very difficult to find, and thus very difficult to study.

Has anyone figured it out yet? Given the little information that exists on this kind, I would not be surprised if no one did. This week’s kind is the Calamariinae—the dwarf burrowing snake kind. Stay tuned for next week when we go looking for an order of marsupials that are mostly from Australia.

Dwarf Burrowing Snake

Dwarf Burrowing Snake
Brown R, Siler C, Oliveros C, Welton L, Rock A, Swab J, Van Weerd M, van Beijnen J, Rodriguez D, Jose E, Diesmos A, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Here is your clue for next week:

This marsupial kind is rather small and has prominent ears for its body size.

Ask a Question

Have you ever had a question about created kinds but didn’t know who to ask? Have you ever wanted to learn more about your favorite kind? Well, now you can! You can ask me, Inspector Barry Mins, a question! Have your parents help you fill out this form, and you might get your question answered in my column! If you have any questions about created kinds, feel free to send them my way!


  1. K. M. E. Pitogo, “Natural history note on the elusive Taylor’s burrowing snake Pseudorabdion taylori Leviton and Brown 1959, from southern Mindanao, Philippines,” Herpetology Notes 14 (2021): 759–763.