A Dinomite Rodent

Image Credit: Frable via Wikimedia Commons


by Inspector Barry Mins on April 26, 2022

Hey kids, welcome back to our series on the mysteries of created kinds!

We took a few weeks off due to some unexpected developments, but now we’re back and heading to South America, where there is a rodent we need to check out. Yes, I know there are a lot of rodents, but this one is not like the ones you might find in your backyard… unless your backyard is the Amazon jungle.

Two by Tuesday

This mammal is largely unknown, though many related genera are known from fossils. They are nocturnal and feed on plants. Based on studies of their brain, this kind is presumed to rely heavily on its hearing rather than its eyesight.1 They prefer moderate-to-heavy tree cover and use rock caves as their homes.2

Has anyone figured it out yet? Guessing this week’s kind is very hard. There simply was not much information available on this kind. This week’s kind is the Dinomyidae, or the Pacarana. These rodents have a lot of extinct relatives, but they are not well known to science and desperately need further study.


Benjamin Frable, CC BY-SA 1.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Try out this fun crossword puzzle!


Your clue for the next week is:

This African bird is well known for its ability to run fast. Its kick has the power to kill a predator.

Ask a Question

Have you ever had a question about created kinds but didn’t know who to ask? Have you ever wanted to learn more about your favorite kind? Well, now you can! You can ask me, Inspector Barry Mins, a question! Have your parents help you fill out this form, and you might get your question answered in my column! If you have any questions about created kinds, feel free to send them my way!


  1. L.M. Freitas, K.F. Pereira, F.R. de Melo, L. Silveira, O.P. dos Santos, D. K.S. Pereira, F.C. S. A. de Melo, A.T. de Almeida Jacomo, and F.C. Lima, "Gross anatomy and vascularization of the brain of Pacarana (Dinomys branickii),” Acta Scientieae Veterinariae 46 (2018): 1598.
  2. C.A. Saavedra-Rodriquez, G.H. Kattan, K. Osbahr, and J.G. Hoyos, "Multiscale patterns of habitat and space use by the pacarana Dinomys branickii: factors limiting its distribution and abundance," Endangered Species Research, 16 (2012): 273-281.