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Why Do Our Feet Fall Asleep?

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

on August 13, 2024

Hi! Welcome back to the Kids Answers magazine blog, where we answer your big questions about God’s Word and God’s world.

Violet (age 11) asked,

“Why do our feet fall asleep?”

Great question, Violet!

When God created Adam and Eve on day six of creation about 6,000 years ago, he designed mankind with nerves that run all through our bodies. Nerves are like little wires that carry messages between our body parts and brain.

When you sit on your foot too long, you compress, or crush, the nerves. When this happens, the connection between your brain and your foot is cut off. The nerves can’t send messages to your brain, so you can’t feel your foot.

When you stand up, the nerves are no longer compressed, and the messages begin flowing between your foot and your brain again. As your nerves fire back up, your foot might feel tingly. No need to worry, though! After a few moments, your foot will return to normal.

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