Does God Always Answer Our Prayers?

on December 20, 2024

Hi! Welcome back to the Kids Answers magazine blog, where we answer your big questions about God’s Word and God’s world.

Maverick (age 6) asked,

“Why does God not always answer our prayers?”

Thanks for your great question, Maverick!

God tells us to pray. We see Jesus praying to God many times while he was on earth (Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; Matthew 14:23). Jesus even teaches us how to pray in Matthew 6:9–13 and Luke 11:1–4.

God can always hear our prayer, but sometimes our prayers can be hindered by sin. And God always answers prayers, even if he doesn’t answer them the way we think he should. Sometimes God says “no” to our requests because they are asked selfishly or are against God’s will (James 4:3). We need to remember that even Jesus prayed specifically for the Father’s will to be done (Luke 22:42). Sometimes he answers our prayers right away, but other times it might take years of praying before God answers. And sometimes we might never see the answer to our prayers—but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t hear us or care about us. Remember, God is eternal, and our time on earth is short compared to that.

Even when God doesn’t answer a prayer right away or in the way we think he should, don’t forget that God is sovereign (SAH-vruhn, in charge of everything). Nothing happens that is out of his control. He always answers our prayers in the way that is best because he loves us and is working things out for our good (Romans 8:28).

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