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Stingrays—Built for Speed

Jakob Owens jakobowens1, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

on October 1, 2022

The sleeker the design, the faster the speed—a general rule for trains, planes, and automobiles. So why the bulging eyes and protruding mouth of the sleek-swimming stingray? Hyung Jin Sung and his colleagues at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea have an answer: the bulging eyes and mouth create vortices that put pressure toward the back and sides of the stingray while creating low-pressure areas above and in front. What intuitively seems like a design flaw is actually a boost to the stingray’s speed.

Such findings could aid in the design of next-generation watercraft. The more we study God’s brilliant designs, the more inspiration and ideas we discover—even in surprising places.

This article was taken from Answers magazine, January–March, 2022, 29.