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As a Matter of Fact

on January 1, 2024

Our creative God painted the world in all sorts of beautiful shades. Did you know blue is the rarest color in nature? Check out these other true blue facts.

  • The sky isn’t really blue. As light bounces off dust and other particles in the air, the scattered light only appears blue.
  • The ocean looks blue because of the way light reflects off different particles in the water.
  • The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.
  • Only 8 out of every 100 people in the world have blue eyes.
  • Dart frogs are often blue.
  • A dart frog has enough poison in its skin to kill 20 people.
  • American robins, house finches, bluebirds, and red-winged blackbirds lay blue eggs.
  • Blueberries are a superfood because they are rich in nutrients.
  • Your lips turn blue when you’re cold because the lips’ blood vessels temporarily shrink.
  • Blue flames are the hottest.
  • Blue is the fifth color in the rainbow arch.
  • The rainbow reminds us of God’s promise to never again flood the earth as he did in Noah’s day (Genesis 9:13–17).
  • The color blue has a calming effect on people.
  • Blue diamonds are some of the rarest gemstones in the world.
  • A survey from 10 different countries revealed that blue is the world’s favorite color.

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