Treasure! . . . Or Trick?

Photo by Caleb Jack

Explore Creation

on October 1, 2024

This shiny rock might look like gold, but it’s actually a mineral called pyrite (PIE-right). People usually call it fool’s gold.

Pyrite is a sulfide (a mineral containing sulfur). The yellow sulfur, combined with iron, gives fool’s gold its glimmer. Because gold and pyrite form in similar conditions, pyrite sometimes contains microscopic specks of real gold. Talk about confusing!

Many people today are confused about what is true. Instead of seeking the truth in God’s Word, they look for explanations in other places. Only the Bible tells you God’s truth about the world and about yourself. Even if it seems appealing, anything that contradicts what God says is just fool’s gold.

Go for the Gold

How can you tell the difference between fool’s gold and real gold? Fool’s gold will flake into pieces if you hit it with something hard (like metal). Real gold will bend.

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