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Is There Liquid Water Elsewhere in the Universe?

on February 27, 2017

Physicist Dr. Russell Humphreys believes that the Genesis account of creation implies that there was a water origin for our universe.

Water (often as ice) is everywhere in the solar system: in comets, planetary rings, on moons of the large planets, possibly on the asteroid Ceres and at the poles of the Earth’s moon, formerly on Venus, presently on Earth and deep in its rocky mantle, and in the polar caps of Mars. Water, as falling chunks of ice, may have pounded out many of the craters we see everywhere in the solar system.

He believes that Martian water may have come from space and from the interior of Mars.

Many creation scientists have suspected that the Genesis Flood was a catastrophe which affected the whole solar system, not just the Earth. If high-velocity chunks of ice made the craters on Mars, the ice would turn to water vapor upon impact. The very large Martian volcanoes (Mons Olympus, etc.) would have belched out huge volumes of water vapor (even the smaller volcanoes of Earth do that).

Dr. Humphreys believes that the water may have evaporated into space, combined with minerals on the surface of Mars, or soaked into the ground becoming permafrost.

(R. Humphreys, “Water on Mars: A Creationist Response,”

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