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As a Matter of Fact

on October 1, 2023

Thanks to sunflowers, we can enjoy beautiful bouquets as well as nutritious snacks. With their incredible design, sunflowers really shine for their Creator.

  • Sunflowers can grow as tall as 16 feet. The world record is 30 feet!
  • Sunflowers live up to their name. They need about 6–8 hours of sun a day to grow.
  • A sunflower’s head is made of many smaller flowers called florets.
  • A sunflower can contain up to 2,000 seeds.
  • Sunflower buds turn to follow the sun’s path from east to west. This behavior is called heliotropism (hee-lee-oh-TRO-pih-sum).
  • Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamins and nutrients. What a healthy snack!
  • Next time you eat a crunchy snack, like chips, look for sunflower oil in the ingredient list on the package.
  • Sunflowers are native to the United States.
  • The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas.
  • There are also red, orange, purple, and other color varieties of sunflowers.

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