As a Matter of Fact

on July 1, 2024

Fungi are not plants or animals—they belong to their own kingdom. God created fungi to help support all life on earth.

  • Fungi help keep the earth clean by breaking down dead animals and plants.
  • We eat a fungus called yeast in baked goods like bread.
  • Some fungi are used to make chocolate, soy sauce, and cheese.
  • There are over 150,000 known species of fungi.
  • The famous red and white-spotted mushroom (named fly agaric) is very poisonous.
  • Fungi experts are called mycologists (mie-KOL-uh-jists).
  • Mushroom spores often drift into the sky and collect water vapor. Eventually, the spores may help form clouds.
  • Unlike plants, fungi do not produce their own food. Fungi absorb nutrients from their environment.
  • Not all fungi are mushrooms, but all mushrooms are fungi.
  • Fungi live on your body. Your feet alone could be home to nearly 200 types of fungi.

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