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Wow, This Is Hard Work!

July–August 2018

on July 1, 2018

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis 6–9 lost a notebook about 4,000 years ago. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining! If Noah’s son Shem had kept notes and sketches about building the Ark, what might he have said? Let’s find out . . .

We’ve started work on this Ark, and we’ve gotten help from some close family friends. Most days are great, but it can be frustrating to work on the same project with the same people for so long.

And the more Dad talks about what’s coming—well, it’s pretty scary, to be honest. A flood that will destroy all life on earth! It’s hard to believe that everyone will be gone, but God doesn’t lie.

One thing I do know is that God wants us to save all the air-breathing, land-dwelling animal kinds he created. He told Dad so. And honestly, that could be a little interesting. My little flock can be hard enough to round up, but I can’t imagine trying to round up some of the bigger creatures. I couldn’t make them move if I tried. And Dad says there are some that are so big that the earth shakes when they walk.

“Don’t worry,” Dad says. “God will send them to us.”

Building Equipment

We have borrowed all the latest technology to help us get the job done.

Kids Answers Magazine

Building Our Huge Ship

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis lost a notebook. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining!

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