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A Very Wicked World

May–June 2018

on July 1, 2018

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis 6–9 lost a notebook about 4,000 years ago. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining! If Noah’s son Shem had kept notes and sketches about building the Ark, what might he have said? Let’s find out . . .

Sometimes, I like sheep better than people. I know. I know. It’s wrong. But at least sheep don’t spend their time robbing and killing people. And they don’t worship created things like the sun or moon—or the serpent, whom Dad and Mom call the Great Deceiver.

When Dad describes the people of the coastland and how bad things were when he lived there . . . it just makes you wonder how bad things could get.

Sheep stink, but I’ll take it.

False Worship

Why do so many people refuse to worship the Creator?

Kids Answers Magazine

Building Our Huge Ship

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis lost a notebook. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining!

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