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Noah’s Ark in the Netherlands!

on September 7, 2012

A full size model of Noah’s Ark is now open to the public in the Netherlands!

Noah’s Ark Museum

A full size model of Noah’s ark is now open to the public in the Netherlands! Johan Huibers built the ark using approximate measurements based on the “cubit” as described in the Bible (Genesis 6:14-17). A cubit is the average length of a man’s arm from his elbow to his fingertips.1 Mr. Huibers’ ark is 410 feet long and 75 feet tall!2

We don’t know exactly what the ark looked like, but Mr. Huibers’ design makes it apparent that the ark was enormous and had plenty of room to accommodate all the animals. “Docked at Dordrecht in the southern Netherlands, its enormity is a reminder of the global Flood and of Noah’s faithfulness to obey God by building the Ark and preaching God’s warning of the coming judgment.”3

Looking for an ark to visit that is closer to home? Don’t forget that the Creation Museum contains a Noah’s ark exhibit (see Also, the new Ark Encounter, a historically themed attraction, will be constructed in Northern Kentucky. It will contain a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark which will be “the largest timber-frame structure in the world.”4

For more information on Noah’s Ark, please see:


  1. Robert Nisbet, “Modern-Day Noah Opens Doors Of Ark Creation,” Sky News HD, July 29, 2012, See all footnotes
  2. “Tour the Ark,” Ark of Noah, At the Ark Encounter, we used a cubit of 20.4 inches, which was derived by adding a handbreadth to a common cubit of 17.5 inches (see This resulted in an Ark 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet tall. See all footnotes
  3. Elizabeth Mitchell, News to Note, August 25, 2012, Answers in Genesis, See all footnotes
  4. “About Us,” Ark Encounter,". See all footnotes