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Here Come the Animals!

July–August 2018

on July 1, 2018

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis 6–9 lost a notebook about 4,000 years ago. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining! If Noah’s son Shem had kept notes and sketches about building the Ark, what might he have said? Let’s find out . . .

So, it happened. A few days ago, while I was letting some of my sheep out of their pen, I turned around . . . and there they were.

Two large earth shakers! At least, that’s what Dad calls them.

Okay, so they were young ones and not huge yet, but they came stomping along like they knew exactly where they were going. Ham and I got them into a pen without too much excitement. I was super brave, of course.

And since then, we’ve had animals constantly coming! Two of each kind—males and females—are just turning up from all over the place. Animals with pouches, flying creatures of all colors, and tiny little fur balls. You name it, we’ve got it.

Ark Animals

I’ve never seen so many kinds of animals in my life. The variety is amazing!

Kids Answers Magazine

Building Our Huge Ship

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis lost a notebook. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining!

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