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God Said to Build an Ark

July–August 2018

on July 1, 2018

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis 6–9 lost a notebook about 4,000 years ago. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining! If Noah’s son Shem had kept notes and sketches about building the Ark, what might he have said? Let’s find out . . .

So, Dad’s got this project.

God told him to build a ship because something big is coming—a big flood. And I don’t just mean one of those large boats he used to build when he lived on the coast. I mean a huge ship. God gave him the basic details, and when Dad told the rest of us, I’m pretty sure our jaws dropped.

But when God says jump, you ask how high on the way up. That’s what Dad always says.

We live near a huge forest of gopherwood. So, that part is easy. We have enough wood for years of building. But how can so few of us build something so massive? I’ve just got to trust God on this one.

Ark Plans

Japheth is almost 4 cubits high, and we thought he was tall!

Kids Answers Magazine

Building Our Huge Ship

As far as we know, none of the eight survivors of the worldwide Flood in Genesis lost a notebook. But that doesn’t keep us from imagining!

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