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on February 3, 2011

The stripes of a zebra are designed to give it protection from predators.



The stripes of a zebra are designed to give it protection from predators. When they are running in a pack, it is difficult for the predator to pick out just one since their stripes seem to blend together. This design became very helpful after the Fall when some animals became predators of them. A zebra eats grass and other plants, which wears down its teeth; however, its teeth never stop growing, so its ability to eat is not hindered.


  • Each species of zebra has its own unique striping pattern in its size, color, and placement.

Fun Facts

  • At night while the herd sleeps, one zebra stays awake on lookout. This responsibility is shared.
  • Zebras smile. Their grimace is used to greet other zebras.
  • The zebra has excellent hearing and eyesight and can run at speeds up to 35 mph (56 km/h).
  • A question frequently debated is whether zebras are white with black stripes or black with white stripes. What do you think?

Created Kind Members

Thoroughbred and Arabian horses, Shetland pony

CLASS: Mammalia (mammal)
ORDER: Perissodactyla (odd-toed hooves)
FAMILY: Equidae (horse kind)
GENUS/SPECIES: Equus grevyi, Equus zebra, and Equus burchelli (Grevy’s, mountain, and Burchell’s)

Size: Around 4 ft (1.2 m) at the shoulder
Weight: 550–900 lbs (250–430 kg)
Original Diet: Plants
Present Diet: Grasses
Habitat: Plains, savannas, and some mountainous regions of Africa

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