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Photo by Isaac Benhesed on Unsplash

by Ken Ham on November 18, 2010

If the wallaby didn’t have such a long, thick tail, it would probably fall over on its nose.



If the wallaby didn’t have such a long, thick tail, it would probably fall over on its nose. The tail is the perfect balance for the animal. For the young to survive after birth, it must make its way into the pouch where it will remain until it is fully developed. The young does not emerge from its mother’s pouch until it is about 5 months old. The female’s pouch is specifically designed to aid the joey in development and survival.


  • These creatures are smaller than kangaroos but similar in appearance.
  • Their coloring can vary from dark shades of brown to yellow or tan.
  • Some species, called rock-wallabies, occur in rugged terrain and have modified feet designed to grip rock effectively, similar to goats of the northern hemisphere.

Fun Facts

  • Some species lick their hands to cool themselves when the weather is hot or when they are excited.
  • Some brush-tailed rock-wallabies escaped from a zoo on Oahu in Hawaii in 1916 and established a feral population in Kalihi Valley, which exists to this day.

Created Kind Members


CLASS: Mammalia (mammal)
ORDER: Diprotodontia (kangaroos, possums, wallabies, and relatives)
FAMILY: Macropodidae (kangaroos, wallabies, and relatives)
GENUS/SPECIES: 3 subspecies

Size: Varies greatly within species; 2–6 ft (0.6–2 m) tall
Weight: Varies greatly within species; 12–50 lbs (6–25 kg)
Original Diet: Plants
Present Diet: Grasses and other plants
Habitat: Forests and savannas of Australia

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