Have Scientists Cracked the Code of This Cute Canine Behavior?

Photo by Tadeusz Lakota on Unsplash

on April 1, 2024

Dog owners are familiar with their furry friend’s funny head tilt. A new study offers a possible reason for the canine head cock. Researchers observed a sampling of dogs, which they divided into gifted and typical groups. Owners asked their dogs to fetch a specific toy from another room, asking for the toy by name (such as “rope”).

When given the command, dogs that were particularly skilled at toy recall tilted their heads more often than unskilled dogs. The researchers concluded that dogs might tilt their heads when they’re paying attention or matching a name to a visual.

Perhaps the delightful friendships we enjoy with our pets in this fallen world offer a glimpse of the harmony the first humans and animals must have enjoyed in Eden. Animals, with all their amusing quirks and endearing characteristics, are yet another gift God has given us to enjoy as part of his incredible creation.

This article is from Answers magazine, April–June, 2024, p. 21.