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by Peter Schriemer on July 1, 2023
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Cougars, mountain lions, panthers, pumas—what do they have in common? They’re all just different names for the same cat! The cougar is one of the largest members of the cat kind in North America. This large cat lives throughout the United States, in Canada, and down into Central and South America.

Cougars are ambush hunters—they hide and wait for their prey to get close. Then—they pounce! A cougar can kill prey many times its own weight. These fierce cats are a reminder of how things changed when sin entered the world. Before Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, there was no death. Animals ate plants, not each other. Now, in our fallen world, cougars hunt and eat other animals to survive.

But things won’t always be this way. Someday, Jesus will return and make all things perfect again. He’ll create a new heavens and earth and get rid of death forever!

Fun Facts

  • Cougars often pluck their prey before eating the meat, leaving behind a pile of fur or feathers.
  • Cougars use their long, thick tails for balance.
  • Cougars that live in areas with harsh winters survive thanks to a thick coat of fur. Large, wide paws help to spread out the cougar’s weight evenly—like snowshoes—so they can move without breaking through the snow.

Crack The Tracks

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Peter Schriemer

I’m Peter Schriemer! As a wildlife educator and TV host, I get excited about tracking down God’s creatures! Join my adventures on my Answers TV show Hike & Seek.

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