What If Adam Hadn’t Sinned?

on September 18, 2024

We love hearing from you and answering your questions! One reader, Renae, recently asked,

“If only Eve sinned, would boys be good?”

That’s an interesting question, Renae.

Reading Genesis 3, we learn that Eve was the first to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. After Eve ate, she convinced Adam to eat as well, but many people believe that she committed the original sin.

However, Adam was the leader in their relationship. Eve was created to be the helper. As the leader, Adam had the responsibility to protect and provide for his wife. Adam and Eve did both eat the fruit, but God held Adam responsible first as the leader, even though Adam didn’t eat first. Adam not only ate from the tree but also failed to protect his wife.

Ultimately, it wasn’t just Eve who sinned. And the Bible doesn’t tell us what would have happened if Adam had not sinned, so we can’t know for sure what God would have done differently. His ways are higher than our ways, and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8–9).

If Adam hadn’t sinned, we can assume that God still would have had to address Eve’s disobedience. Sin creates separation between us and God. The original sin affected the whole world and everyone who has ever lived or will ever live in it until Jesus returns.

The reality is that Adam did sin, and the Bible makes it clear that sin and death entered the world through him (Romans 5:12, 15, 17–19; 1 Corinthians 15:21–22). The Bible also teaches that, even though Eve was the first to eat the fruit, the solution to our sin problem came through “her seed” (Genesis 3:15).

The Seed is Jesus Christ, who paid the price for our sin and will save all those who receive the free gift of salvation that he offers.

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