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on July 1, 2015

Our Future Home

Do you love your home here on earth? It’s wonderful to share a warm, friendly place with people you love!

But Jesus told His followers, “Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head” (Matthew 8:20). It’s sad to think that Jesus didn’t have a home in this world!

But this world isn’t really a place we want to stay. No matter how happy it is sometimes, bad things happen here, too. Trapdoor spiders eat other insects, and soldier ants fight intruders. People argue and fight. They are selfish and mean. Why? This world isn’t like God made it. Sin caused it to be a place with pain and tears (Genesis 3).

So Jesus has a solution. On the night He was arrested, He told His followers that He would be leaving. That made them really sad. But He told them that if He left, He would go and prepare a home for them. One day they would be with Him again in this new home (John 14:3).

This world won't be messed up forever. Jesus died for us to fix the sin problem once and for all. One day, He’ll come back and set up a new home (Revelation 21).

Our brain can’t even grasp how amazing this new place will be (1 Corinthians 2:9). All the beautiful animals and other things in this world don’t compare to Jesus’ new home. There will be no more death, no more pain, no more bad anything. Everyone will love each other and love God most of all.

Now, that’s a place to call home sweet home.

Hey, Kids! Buddy Davis here.

Jesus has a place in heaven for everyone who asks Him to forgive their sins. Will you ask Him to forgive you today?

Buddy Davis

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