Researchers Say Lucy Stood Upright

Science News

on January 31, 2024

Since the discovery of Lucy’s skeletal remains in the 1970s, scientists have argued over this supposed human ancestor. Was she more like humans or apes? Did she walk upright like humans? Recently, a researcher digitally reconstructed Lucy’s missing leg and pelvis muscles, supposedly revealing that “she was as proficient at bipedalism as we are, while possibly also being at home in the trees.”

Because evolutionary scientists need to find the missing link between humans and apes to support their ideas, their research is biased. For example, the researcher attempted to map out Lucy’s muscles using human muscle maps. Don’t be fooled by this monkey business—from a biblical worldview, we know that God created humans and animals separately and distinctly. And based on Lucy’s skeleton, we know that she was an extinct variety of ape—not your long lost cousin.

This article is from Answers magazine, October–December, 2023, p. 19.