Newly discovered fossilized footprints cause evolutionists to rethink their theories regarding Tiktaalik
Scientists recently uncovered the fossilized footprints of an animal in southeastern Poland. It had feet and appeared to walk like a four legged creature. Why is this important?
It's important because some scientists have dated the fossilized footprints ten million years earlier than Tiktaalik, a fish-like creature that they believed was the “missing link” between water-dwelling creatures and land-dwelling creatures. Finding “older” fossil footprints, indicating that animals were already walking on land, makes these scientists doubt that Tiktaalik was first to begin walking on land.
Evolutionary scientists have made up an interesting story about how they believe fish eventually became land animals. They tell us that fish, living in water with low oxygen, first developed lungs. How could this happen? How could fish grow lungs so that they could breathe air? Then, supposedly, these fish changed their fins into front legs, to drag themselves out onto land.
The evolution story reads like a science fiction novel, and it is hard to believe that some scientists can present these theories and expect people to unquestionably believe them. When people turn away from God and His account of creation, they become “willingly ignorant.” The strangest ideas can be accepted as fact—even the idea that fish decided to grow all the body parts they needed to survive on land!
By the way, creationist scientists believe that both Tiktaalik and the animal that made the fossilized footprints date from the past 4500 years or so. For more information, see .