Did We Come from the Ocean?

Hall of Life—Ocean Life Exhibits

on December 28, 2015

According to evolutionary natural history, at some point the molten earth cooled and oceans formed. As rain fell, chemicals in a hypothetical pool, warmed by the volcanic activity and energized by lightning, organized into proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. These molecules then organized into cellular structures like proteins, DNA, and cell membranes, which then became the first living creature.

The problem with this evolutionary scenario is that chemistry prohibits it. Proteins do not form from piles of amino acids, and they cannot form in water because the water breaks the bonds that hold the amino acids together.

The DNA that tells the amino acids how to come together to form proteins contains a specific code that must be copied from another strand of DNA. Where did the information for the original DNA strand come from? Scientists have shown that information can’t originate by itself from matter.

Recently, a hypothesis involving bubbles from deep ocean vents was suggested to explain how life originated. However, the same chemistry limitations mentioned in the previous paragraph apply.

Ken Nealson, a geobiologist of the University of Southern California and a NASA astrobiologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, stated:

Nobody understands the origin of life. If they say they do, they are probably trying to fool you. (www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/odds_of_et_020521-1.html)

Of course, from a biblical perspective, we know that God created living animals and plants according to their “kinds” in the beginning (Genesis 1).

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