This dino is everyone’s favorite dome-headed reptile. Pachycephalosaurus, or “thick-headed lizard,” gets its name from the dome on the top of its skull, the thickest parts of which could be up to 10 inches in depth.
Artist Rendering of Pachycephalosaurus
It was named in 1943 by Barnum Brown and Erich Schlaikjer. It has been found throughout North America in locations such as Wyoming, South Dakota, and Alberta, Canada. While complete specimens have yet to be discovered, many skull fragments have been found.
Pachycephalosaurus is an ornithischian dinosaur in the suborder Marginocephalia. This animal is primarily thought to have been an herbivore, although debate exists about whether it may have been an omnivore, meaning it ate meat too. It stood on average at about 6–8 feet tall, with a length of about 15 feet. Its weight is commonly estimated to be around 1,000 pounds. It is popularly showcased in media to use its domed head to butt heads with other individuals. However, it is heavily debated by paleontologists as to whether they butted heads or if they rammed each other in the sides, a practice referred to as “flank butting.” Other theories include the domes being used for self-defense against predators or even as displays to attract a mate.
October is “dinosaur month!” Every weekday of this month, you can come back to our Kids site to read about my 20 favorite dinosaurs. I hope you’ll join me!