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by Kyle Morris on October 11, 2021

Found in places like Mongolia and Uzbekistan, this dinosaur was named in 1972 by paleontologists Rinchen Barsbold, Halszka Osmolska, and Ewa Roniewicz. Its name, meaning “chicken mimic,” refers to the fact that its neck vertebrae look somewhat similar to those of chickens and other land fowl, though there is no relation between these animals. This is simply evidence of common design by a common Designer—God!


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Standing at approximately eight feet tall, Gallimimus weighed about 1,000 pounds and could reach lengths of up to 20 feet. Due to its lightweight and slim nature, it is estimated to have been able to reach speeds of up to 35 mph, making it one of the fastest known dinosaurs.

This theropod is believed to have been an omnivore, feeding on plants and any small animal or carrion (dead animals) it could find. They may have also fed on eggs from other animals.

It is commonly depicted in large flocks, acting much like modern birds, though there is no actual evidence for this behavior. This depiction promotes the now-popular evolutionary theory that dinosaurs evolved into birds. However, we know from the Bible that this simply isn’t true. Birds and other flying creatures were created on day five, and dinosaurs, being land animals, were made on day six.

October is “dinosaur month!” Every weekday of this month, you can come back to our Kids site to read about my 20 favorite dinosaurs. I hope you’ll join me!