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Eden the Parrot

Braaawk, hello! My name is Eden and I am a double-eyed fig parrot! Don’t my beautiful green feathers remind you of a lush, green garden? Maybe they remind you of the greenest, most beautiful garden there ever was—the garden of Eden!

God created the whole world, including the garden of Eden, in only six 24-hour days, just like the Bible tells us. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” God created birds on day five of creation week. God finished creating on day six, and he called everything that he had made “very good” before he rested on the seventh day. The garden of Eden must have been a beautiful place to live!

Sadly, Adam and Eve’s sin brought danger and death into the world. Humans and animals were no longer safe. Now predators hunted parrots and other prey, like me. I am glad God gave animals the defenses we would need to survive in a fallen world, especially us little critters (I am the smallest parrot in Australia, after all!). My green feathers provide me with camouflage, which helps me blend in with jungle plants and stay hidden from predators.

Even though our world is broken now, my beautiful green feathers can remind you of the beautiful, green garden of Eden that once was—and the remnants of beauty we still see in our world today!

Double-Eyed Fig Parrot Facts

Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Cyclopsitta
Species: C. diophthalma
Size 14 centimeters
Diet: Figs, berries, seeds, nectar, grubs
Habitat: Australia
Lifespan: 10–15 years

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