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Polish Mute Swan

Kalispera Dell via Wikimedia Commons

by Harry F. Sanders, III on March 27, 2019


Polish Mute Swans are a color variant of the mute swan. They get their name from being quieter than other swans and from being introduced to England from Poland. The Polish Mute Swan is identified by its pink feet and pure white feathers. They are water birds, spending most of their lives on lakes and rivers. Females are noticeably larger than males. They feed by dunking their heads under water and feeding on aquatic plants, as well as the occasional land plant. Polish Mute Swans mate for life and can live for over twenty-five years in the wild.


  • Polish Mute Swans have a black knob above their beak which grows larger during the breeding season, particularly in females.
  • Polish Mute Swans have specialized webbed feet, which allow them to swim easily through the water.

Fun Facts

  • Polish Mute Swans can eat up to eight pounds of food, somewhere between 25-33% of their body weight, per day.
  • Their pink feet come from a genetic “feature” that makes them not produce as much melanin in their skin.

Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Genus: Cyngus
Species: olor
Size: From 49–67 inches
Diet: Aquatic plants
Habitat: Native to most of Europe, northern Asia, Israel, with periodic winter appearances in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Introduced to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, South Africa, and the United States.