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Penguin Power Naps

Chinstrap Penguin by steve b, CC0 1.0, via iNaturalist

Explore Creation

on January 1, 2025

Did you know that chinstrap penguins take up to 10,000 naps a day?

That’s right! These adorable birds snooze up to 11 hours each day, but not all at once. Instead, they take super short naps called micronaps, or microsleeps. Scientists think these clever birds use short naps to protect their eggs and their chicks from sneaky predators.

Chinstrap penguins aren’t the only creatures who take tiny naps. Worker fire ants take up to 250 naps every day, each one lasting about a minute.

Chinstrap penguins live together in colonies—giant groups of up to 100,000 penguins. They’re always on the lookout for each other, taking turns to nap so some penguins are always awake to keep the eggs safe.

Chinstrap penguins only sleep for about four seconds at a time. Scientists discovered that a whole penguin colony takes around 600 of these tiny naps every hour. Imagine dozing off that many times with your friends!

Even in our fallen world, God gave animals like chinstrap penguins a sleepy way to stay safe!

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