Photo by Wilmy van Ulft on Unsplash
Most gliding birds have long, slender wings to efficiently transport them on long journeys. But birds that take off and land constantly—like gulls—would be hindered by this type of wing. Gulls typically have short, wide wings, which enable them to be more agile.
But researchers have recently discovered that the darker shades on gull wings help them travel even more efficiently. Species with larger bodies and smaller wings tend to have more shades of darker gray on their backs and wings. The darker pigment absorbs heat, reducing the density and viscosity of the air. This results in less drag, which helps the birds glide easily. Coupled with their short wings, gulls can soar long distances or easily lift off the ground. Our ingenious Creator’s design lets the gulls glide with flying colors.
This article is from Answers magazine, April–June, 2023, p. 20.