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Feather Your Nest

As a Matter of Fact

on April 1, 2024

When God created the bird kinds on day five of creation week, he gave them the know-how they’d need to care for their young in a fallen world. For many bird species, this includes building nests to protect their eggs and hatchlings.

  • Orioles spend days weaving and tying plant fibers to create an intricate hanging nest.
  • Not all birds build nests in trees. Some birds nest right on the ground.
  • Bald eagles hold the record for largest nest. The nest was over 9 feet wide and 20 feet deep. That’s deeper than a two-story house is tall.
  • Female birds usually do most of the nest building.
  • It’s a myth that a bird will abandon its nest if a human touches the nest.
  • Hummingbirds build the smallest nests—as tiny as a thimble.
  • Barn swallows make up to 1,200 trips to collect enough mud to build their nests.
  • The colors of bird eggs—from robin’s egg blue to the sparrow’s brown speckles—depends on the mother bird’s diet.
  • Many birds use materials such as spider webs, mud, or saliva to help hold their nests together.
  • The potoo bird lays its egg on the top of a tree stump.

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