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by Stacia McKeever on April 29, 2015
Wise Up

True wisdom comes only from the all-wise God and is found only in the collection of books He has given us—the Bible. When we become a child of God by repenting and believing in Jesus, we will want to follow His good path of wisdom. We can ask Him to give us wisdom, and His Holy Spirit can help us make wise decisions. And when we don’t act wisely and sin against God, we can be forgiven. If you are a child of God, He is ready to forgive you because you are His child and Jesus has already paid the penalty for your sins (1 John 1:8–10).

When we study Proverbs, we can learn how to have hearts that trust in the Lord, ears that listen up to God, tongues that speak life, hands that get to work, and feet that walk with the wise. Are you on the path of wisdom or the path of foolishness? Wise up and get on God’s wise path!

Trekking Through Proverbs

This colorful illustrated booklet gives kids (and parents!) a quick refresher of the fun apologetics learned during VBS.

Browse Kids Book