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A Tower for Rebels

on August 26, 2014
Tower of Babel

After the flood, God told Noah to go and multiply and fill the earth.

Tower of Babel

Noah's family flourished and multiplied, but they did not spread all over the earth.

Instead, they moved down from the mountains of Ararat and settled in the plain of Shinar…

…and dreamed of building a great city.

Tower of Babel

Come, let us build a city and a tower to the heavens so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.

Tower of Babel

God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, looked down upon them and saw the city and the tower they were building. “They are united and speak the same language. Now nothing they imagine to do will be impossible for them.”

Tower of Babel

So God confused their languages so they could not understand each other.

And God scattered them over the face of the earth. They left Babel by foot, by cart and by boat.

Tower of Babel

And they ceased building the tower and the city. Its name is called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth.

Tower of Babel

Because of the language barriers, each family group became isolated and developed distinct physical traits and cultures.

But all mankind share the same genes and the same promise of the Saviorthe Seed which God promised Adam in the garden of Eden.

Kids Answers Magazine

A Tower for Rebels

This issue teaches the account of God’s judgment at the Tower of Babel and the consequences of this rebellion against God.

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