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Letter—New Testament

on December 19, 2016
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Author: Paul

Date Written: AD 61

Chapters: 4

Key People: Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus, Church at Philippi

Summary: The letter to the Philippians was written to encourage the church at Philippi. Paul thanked them for their generosity toward him in a time of need. He encouraged them to rejoice in the Lord always—and to rejoice only in the Lord! He encouraged them to humility and love for each other, following the example of Jesus Christ, who made Himself nothing and became a servant. And he encouraged them to righteousness and discernment in the truth as they encountered false teachers. Paul’s charge to this church was to stand firm in the Lord and shine as lights in a crooked and twisted generation.

About Jesus: Jesus Christ serves as the perfect example of humility, obedience, love, and service.

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