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Letter—New Testament

on January 2, 2017
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Author: Paul

Date Written: AD 65

Chapters: 6

Key People: Paul, Timothy

Summary: Paul wrote this letter to “Timothy, a true son in the faith.” Paul meant to encourage Timothy as he ministered to the church in Ephesus. False teachers were influencing the church, and Paul wanted Timothy to be prepared and ready to rightly handle the Word of truth in the face of opposition. Paul encouraged Timothy to live a godly and holy life. This encouragement was also meant for the church community, especially the leaders of the church. Paul’s final charge to Timothy was to fight the good fight and to cling to the eternal life promised through the gospel.

About Jesus: The gospel of Jesus Christ calls all in the church—pastors, elders, deacons, and members—to live out what they believe by caring for and loving each other.

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